Western Sea

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Sarin Bowleaf 0 422 by Sarin Bowleaf
Oct 30, 2009 13:29:19 GMT -5


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Western Sea
Probably the largest sea in the world of Redwall, bordering off the Western Coast, the Western Sea varies in climate. Its northern waters are bitterly cold, but further south are tropical isles.

In the distantly western part of this sea is the isle of Sampetra, a beautiful tropical isle. It was once conquered by the pine-marten corsair, Ublaz Mad Eyes, who styled himself its emperor and made it a haven for the corsairs who are so common in the Western Sea. Nearby is the Holt of Ruddaring, which was once home to monstrous Monitor Lizards, but was liberated by otters.

In the northern part of the sea is Terramort, a bleak searat isle once ruled by a mad king, Gabool the Wild.

In the southern part of the sea is Green Isle, an otter kingdom that was once conquered by wildcats from further south, but which was recaptured in the reign of Riggu Felis with help from Tiria Wildlough.
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