Fort Marshank

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Sarin Bowleaf 0 422 by Sarin Bowleaf
Oct 30, 2009 13:29:19 GMT -5


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Fort Marshank
Fort Marshank was a timber-and-stone fortress and slave encampment on the northern part of the Eastern Coast that Badrang the Tyrant ruled with an iron fist, along with a cruel army of rats, foxes, weasels and ferrets.

The fortress was rectangular, with high stone walls protecting from any attack. They were wide enough to allow the hordesbeasts to man them effectively. There was only one gate, though a secret tunnel entered the fort through a pit in which slaves were sometimes thrown. The horde and its leader lived in a wooden longhouse, but Marshank's slaves lived in a large compound surrounded by a wooden palisade.

Marshank was built after Badrang, a northern corsair captain, scuttled his ship and headed northeast with his army, capturing slaves as he went. Upon arrival at the Eastern Coast, Badrang decided to conquer the region and had the fortress built with his slaves. He became known as Badrang the Tyrant.

Marshank fell in the Battle of Marshank, and was seemingly deserted afterwards.
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